
Knights Re-Open Youth Camps

ICCP Athletics will be holding a handful of youth summer camps for volleyball, dance and cheer, and boys’ and girls’ soccer. Please visit our Clinics & Camps page to complete registration and reserve your spot today or scroll down the page to fill out the form now!

There are guidelines that need to be followed in compliance with the IHSA, ISBE, and State of Illinois Phase 4 Guidelines. Please read below for more information.

1. Online registration is required in order to participate in our summer camps. Please scroll down to register online, or visit Any questions regarding camp please contact the Athletic Director.

2. NO WALK-UP REGISTRATION. State guidelines dictate that all camp registration be done online. We will not be able to accept campers unless they register online.

3. All campers should report to the Plunkett Athletic Complex or IC Gym upon arrival for their camp activity. We will review the registration and move you to the appropriate area of your camp program. Coaches and camp personnel will be on hand to help with this process. Cars should drop campers off at the rolling gate at Plunkett or at the Northwest doors of the gym off Arthur Street. 

4. All Campers and Parents are required to WEAR FACE MASKS upon arrival at IC Catholic Prep for their camp activities. Face masks may include any cloth face covering that allows the nose and mouth to be completely covered at all times. Face shields are an acceptable form of face covering. We will adhere to social distancing guidelines during the sessions, and we will properly sanitize/clean equipment that is used during the camp time.

5. Temperature checks and daily attendance charts will be maintained. This will take place at both camp locations before the session begins. Parents and guardians are asked to keep each camper home if he or she is sick. If a camper is running a fever, he/she will not be able to participate. We will contact the parents if this situation occurs.

6. You must BRING YOUR OWN WATER in an identified bottle. Athletes should come to camp ready to be involved. Please make sure equipment bags have proper identification.