We are welcoming six (6) new faculty and administrators to the IC Catholic Prep family this school year. In the following series, we are sharing short bios about each individual. Today we meet Mrs. Melissa Slavik.
Question: I teach/work in education because…
Melissa:I enjoy working with students. I like the energy, creativity, challenges, and successes that come with high schoolers. I’m passionate about being physically active and teaching health for the mind, body, and spirit.
Q: What inspires you about teaching?
Melissa: I am inspired when I see students’ confidence shine. Last year I had a group of students perform at the talent show and it was inspiring to witness their dedication, responsibility, and talent!
Q. Please share a quote from someone that inspires you, gives you strength and describe why when you reflect on the words.
Melissa: I don’t have a favorite quote, but I can quote most comedy movies. Try me.
Q: In your brief tenure with IC Catholic Prep, what impresses you the most? Why?
Melissa: The students and faculty here are very welcoming and warm. The students have been very patient with me in my first year at ICCP and they often teach me how to do things! I love that the ICCP culture is one of high expectations!
Q: Undergraduate Degree, Major, School
Melissa: Bachelor of Science, School Health Education, Ball State University