
Alumni Spotlight: Anne Murphy Schiller, 1959

Each month we will feature a member of our alumni (the League of Knights) to highlight their accomplishments after graduating from IC Catholic Prep. This month, we spoke to alumnae, Anne Murphy Schiller, class of 1959. Anne attended St. Xavier College in Chicago, Illinois where she earned a bachelor of science in nursing.

ICCP: What was your favorite subject in school?

Anne: It’s been too long ago to remember.

ICCP: What is your best memory from your time at IC?

Anne: My friends and my “future” husband asking me to homecoming.

ICCP: What are some highlights from your career?

Anne: My career wasn’t what I had planned, but it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. After eight children, I ended up joining my husband, Bob Schiller Class of ‘59, in the real estate business he started in 1970. I was lucky to work as a sales manager with many wonderful sales people, buyers, and sellers who taught me so much more about life.

ICCP: What is one other thing you would like to share with IC alumni?

Anne: IC taught me about the importance of respect for others, working as hard as I could, and valuing the friendships I developed.

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