As our community celebrates Catholic Schools week, two of our students were asked to share their reflections at the Immaculate Conception Parish masses on January 31. Ava Meurer shared the following thoughts at the 7:30 mass.
My name is Ava Meurer, and I am currently a sophomore at IC Catholic Prep and I previously attended IC grade school. I have always been very involved in our community and my current favorite activities are dancing on the varsity dance team, being in student council, ecology club, and athletic leadership council at ICCP. I am also a high honors student.
When I was young at the grade school, I was taught how to form prayer hands and make the sign of the cross. Those small hands have turned into a strong and faithful leader in the community because of IC. Attending a catholic school has always been very important to me and my family. Being surrounded by people who share the same faith has led me to strong friendships that will last a lifetime. Learning about God from a young age established a necessary foundation that has bolstered me throughout my life.
While being academically challenged, I am also supported by my teachers and peers. The catholic school environment at IC has taught me to never be afraid, so I learned to raise my hand in class and sign up for a new club. I’ve picked up every bit of information carrying it with me through my life as a student, athlete, and leader in my community. From learning prayers as a small preschooler to confidently talking to God as a high schooler, I have learned about faith from my teachers and role models. My hands have written essays, solved math problems, and thrown dodgeballs in the gym, but most importantly have prayed. In the walls of this school, my prayer hands have grown.
Catholic Schools Week always gives me a chance to not only reflect on my years at IC, but also to thank God for the many opportunities this school has given to me.