IC Catholic Prep hosts Medical Career Night as part of the Knight Career Talk Series

ICCP welcomed back alumni for our Inaugural Knight Career Series evening. On the Feast of St. Luke, Patron of Doctors, our evening focused on the Medical professions. The students heard from a Doctor Todd Davis ‘88, Physical Therapist Mary Rachford ‘84, Occupational Therapist Kate Reed ‘09, and alumni parent Speech Therapist Laura Dunne. Each professional shared their experience at IC and in college that lead them to their occupations as well as sharing their experiences and advice for our students considering jobs in medicine.
“We love when our alumni come back and share their experiences with our current students. Their experiences, successes, and willingness to share with our current students is what make a the IC family so special. Once a Knight, Always a Knight,” said President Bob Cronin.
The evening was filled with great discussion and questions between our guests and students. Over 25 students and parents attended the talk which was held in Costello Hall.
“The night a was great start to our Knight Career Series. I loved how engaged our students were during the presentations and the questions that followed were excellent,” shared Principal Stephen Davidson.
As the year goes on we will host several more career evenings for our students and families, which will include professions in Business, Engineering, and Liberal Arts.
We thank our speakers for offering to share your own experiences and insight! We also thank Mrs. Jenna Goworowski, Director of Alumni, for her work in organizing the evening! If you are interested in participating in future talks, please reach out to Mrs. Goworowski at jgoworowski@iccatholicprep.org.