Welcome to the IC Catholic Prep Dyer Family Resource Center located on the first floor of the Immaculate Conception Parish Administration Center. Students can come to the Resource Center before and after school, or during their study hall.
The Dyer Family Resource Center is the former Media Center for IC Catholic Prep. Remodeled during the summer of 2016, it was dedicated in honor of the Dyer family and to David J. Dyer, a friend of IC Catholic Prep, Immaculate Conception Parish, and the Elmhurst Public Library.
Students can research online on the computers; check out books, periodicals, and e-books; study individually or in small groups; and so much more. More than 50% of the school’s students visit the Dyer Family Resource Center each day.
The Resource Center goals are to empower students with the skills they need to research and evaluate sources in order to produce a quality product; provide students and faculty with supplemental resources to enhance learning in the classroom; and to promote the joys of reading outside of the classroom.
The Resource Center houses over 10,000 volumes of print materials including popular fiction, short stories, nonfiction, professional development resources, and reference. We also subscribe to a variety of periodicals. The Resource Center subscribes to databases to enhance student research including Issues & Controversies, Reader’s Guide Full Text Select, and World Book, Inc. The Resource Center is automated and uses Follett Destiny where patrons may search for books, put items on hold, check their accounts for due dates, and write book reviews.
The Resource Center has a close relationship with Elmhurst’s libraries. The Elmhurst Public Library and Elmhurst College’s A. C. Buehler Library are within walking distance from the ICCP campus. The Resource Center is also a member of the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS).
Students can sign up to be Media Aides in the Library Media Center. As a Media Aide, students shelve materials, check items out and in for students, pull books for upcoming class visits, and learn how to use basic reference skills. They learn how the library is run and gain valuable job experience. Students have the option of signing up for a semester or for a full year. They will receive a pass/fail grade on their report card and ¼ credit per semester.
Please see Mr. Andrusyk for login information to access these databases.
Pictorial History of the Dyer Family Resource Center