Farrelly Program
Program Overview
IC Catholic Prep supports individual students in Spirit, Mind & Body as they develop critical thinking skills to become independent, confident, selfless leaders. The Farrelly Program supports students with diagnosed learning differences while providing a college-prep, Catholic education.

Students in this program are provided with enhanced resources, including dedicated personnel, educational supports, and accommodations.
Sister M. Megan Farrelly, O.P.
For ten years, Sr. M. Megan Farrelly, OP devoted her time, talents, and resources to IC Catholic Prep. She was steadfast in her devotion to the work of our Lord and had a way of empowering students and finding the best in people. Sr. Megan believed that all students are capable and advocated for all learners. We are proud to dedicate the Farrelly Program in her memory.
Program Considerations
- Current psych-educational evaluation administered by a local public school district or a private, state-licensed educational diagnostician
- IEP/504 or professional documentation for testing accommodations must be submitted to the Director of the Farrelly Program two weeks prior to the entrance exam date
- IC Catholic Prep entrance exam results
- Recommendation of the IC Catholic Prep Admissions Committee
- Students and their parents/guardians may be required to attend a staffing at the beginning of the year to review the student’s educational needs and to develop a plan to ensure their academic success at IC Catholic Prep
- IC Catholic Prep entrance exam accommodations
Learning Strategies & Benefits
- Provide an effective daily support system
- Teach the skills necessary for maximizing success in the academic curriculum
- Develop life-long learning skills
- Develop self-advocacy skills
- Explore college-level resources and services
- Develop a respect for diversity and differences
(based upon documentation)
- Farrelly Program study hall
- Extended time on assessments and standardized testing
- Preferential seating
- Alternative testing space
- Organizational tools
- Study guides
- Audiobooks
- World Language consideration
- Use of personal devices for written expression and note-taking