The Knights Drama Club presents the Harry Potter Workshop in three virtual installments this February. The club members have been busy setting up a magical experience and theatrical space for this workshop and have organized a great fine arts experience, albeit virtual. Drama students have workshopped from the ground up...
Knights Theater Hosts Fine Arts Youth Knight on April 24
For the 2020 spring musical, the Knights Theater presents How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying. Synopsis Big business means big laughs in this delightfully clever lampoon of life on the corporate ladder. A tune-filled comic gem that took Broadway by storm, winning both the Tony Award for Best...
Spring Musical Auditions are Monday, February 17
Auditions for this year's musical are on Monday, February 17th (President's Day) starting at 4:30pm. Students will need to prepare about 1 minute of a song of their choice.Please ensure song is within the style of the show. (Musical Theatre, or a song that has that same quality of sound)....
IC Catholic Prep Hosts Jr. High Art Workshop
Experience what it means to be a Knight at IC Catholic Prep at the Art Workshop for Junior High School students.This workshop introduces students to classical and contemporary painting, techniques and concepts. Even though previous painting experience is not a prerequisite for this course, students will come away from the...
IC Catholic Prep Student Appointed to Goodman Theatre Youth Arts Council
Aidan Rocha, Class of 2021, will serve on the Goodman Theatre Youth Arts Council starting this December joining a select group of Chicago high school and college students tasked with helping to make the arts more accessible Elmhurst, Ill. – December 12, 2019 – IC Catholic Prep (ICCP) is honored...
Quincy University Music Program Visits IC Catholic Prep
Today, the Band/Music class welcomed student-musicians from Quincy University Music to IC Catholic Prep. They were treated to a selection of live performances by the 'No Strings Attached Saxophone Quartet,' the "Reed Between the Lines Clarinet Trio,' and the '18th Street Trio.'According to Ms. Lapwing, live music performances are an...
Knights Theater Presents the Fall Play Cast List for WCKY
Knights Theater Presents the Fall Play Cast List for WCKY Show dates are November 1, 2 & 3—come be a part of fun!Mya Collins as Darla Van OwenBrenna Doxey as SterlingCristina Costa as DottyVaughan Murray as AlistairNora Kenny as PollyIsabela Corcoran as FranMarco Rodriguez as GilbertBrooke Stanley as SpeedyCarlos Bindert...