Welcome Our Newest English Teacher

Welcome Our Newest English Teacher

By: Dominico Gaudio and Morgan Benson
Knight Times Newspaper

Welcoming the newest English teacher to the IC Catholic Prep community, Ms. Doyle. In grade school, Ms. Doyle attended St. Francis in La Grange and continued on to high school at Benet. Throughout her high school days, Ms. Doyle obtained strong inten-tions to be a high school teacher. Since she knew this, it made her Benet experience amazing and brought excitement upon her fu-ture. She took her excitement on to University of Illinois to acquire her license to teach English. After her 4 years at the University of Illinois were completed, she went onto her student teaching experience at Downer Grove South. The teacher who inspired Ms. Doyle to follow her passion was Mrs. Boland, who was also an English teacher at Benet Academy.

Now that the first month has concluded, Ms. Doyle is finally settling in and getting used to her daily routine. Ms. Doyle has given part of the credit to not just her students, but to the whole ICCP community for giv-ing her a warm welcome and helping her out when needed. After having the honor to sit down with Ms. Doyle, she stated, “IC is a cool communi-ty, and I’m glad to be a part of it.” For Ms. Doyle, the transition from be-ing a student teacher at DGS has been very good and successful. One aspect of IC that stands out to her is having the advantage of knowing all of the staff and most of the students in the building. The biggest dif-ference she stated was that at IC, we all share one key part to her life which is faith and how, as a community, we attend mass. Ms. Doyle has always withheld a strong background of faith which she was delighted to continue with the IC family.

Ms. Doyle won’t just be joining the IC English Department, but she will also become the new girl’s freshman basketball coach. She expressed her excitement in starting the upcoming 2019-2020 just as the players seemed to express theirs. However, this will be her first year coaching basketball instead of playing. As Ms. Doyle said, “It’ll be a new role, and a new aspect on the game of basketball, but it’ll all turn out very good.” It was a pleasure to sit down with Ms. Doyle and meet one of our newest teachers.

Knight Times Newspaper — September 2019 Edition (PDF)