Happy Labor Day! We hope that you are having a restful and relaxing Labor Day weekend. This Labor Day we recognize all of the hard work and the many sacrifices that our ICCP parents make to provide a Catholic education for their sons and daughters. We also recognize the work and commitment of our faculty and staff who have spent countless hours preparing for the start of this year.
The week ahead will be busy. On Tuesday, September 8, and Wednesday, September 9, we will celebrate the first Mass of the school year. Simultaneously, students will take school photos during their study halls on these days. Mass dress code is required. Please see additional information below.
On Thursday night, September 10, we look forward to spending an evening with students and parents at our Virtual Curriculum Night. Parents will login via zoom with their students to meet their teachers and follow their student’s schedule. Period A will start at 7pm sharp and classes will run ten minutes with a five minute virtual passing period. While this is different than our traditional curriculum night, our parents will get a little taste of what it is like to learn remotely. On Friday, September 11, we will follow an 8:45 late arrival schedule.