
Principal Dispatch—Abide by the Social Contract

As the 1st Quarter comes to a close this week, we are grateful for a strong start to this school year. We appreciate all the adjustments you and your students have made—whether for in-person, hybrid or remote learning. Students have displayed great resilience and adaptability, which has allowed us to offer a rigorous, college prep education in-person.
We are reminded that for IC Catholic Prep to maintain a healthy and safe environment and remain open, we all must do our part.
Our Personal Responsibilities to the School and Each Other
As stated in our Social Contract, we must all “adhere to community, city, state and federal public health guidelines and mandates outside of school including recreational and extra-curricular activities.”
Responsible Citizenship Reminders
  • Students must practice social distancing when with friends and wear masks when unable to maintain six foot distancing.
  • If you or your family travel, we expect you to follow Travel Guidance issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
  • Daily health screenings should be filled out daily for all students attending in-person classes.
Let’s work together to make the right decisions to keep our community healthy and vibrant. That means making hard choices that may be unpopular. We are all in this together and so far we are thriving as a community in education, faith, and health.
Dates to Remember
Winter Dress Codes Goes Into Effect
May Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception continue to guide and protect you.
Thriving together,
Stephen Davidson