Pre-Arrival Self-Health Check

Mandatory daily reporting of self-health checks will be required.

Click here for a sample of the questions parents and guardians will be asked to self-certify electronically on behalf of their students on a daily basis.


New procedures to maximize safety. Specific details, times, drop-off points to come.

Arrival in masks
Wear one and bring an extra
Extra masks if needed ($1.00 fee)
ICCP approved masks are available for purchase, click here.
Designated, physically distanced lines for entry
Hand-sanitation after successful screening
Designated pick-up points and times
Temperature check and screening upon arrival
One-way hallway path straight to classroom location

Dismissal/ Pick-up

Dismissal in masks
Designated pick-up points and times
Hand-sanitation prior to exit
One-way hallway path straight to exit location
Designated, physically distanced lines for exit


Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria and Costello Hall, weather and space permitting, outdoors.

  • All food purchases must be pre-ordered online through Quest Food Services (URL is forthcoming).
  • All food items will be individually pre-packaged.
  • There will be no cash transactions or capabilities. 
Students will wash hands before and after meals
New protocol for meals

Limited Visitors

With few exceptions, only students, faculty, administrators and staff will be allowed in the building. These limitations include:

  • No Parents
  • No Guests/speakers
  • No Parents/Guests for School Mass and Assemblies
  • Admissions events to take place virtually

Hallways, Stairwells, and Common Areas

Face coverings must always be worn. The following hallway procedures will be followed:

  • Teachers and administrators will monitor hallways during passing periods.
  • One-way walking paths will be delineated in hallways.
  • The north staircase “Main Staircase” will be designated for students going upstairs.
  • The south staircase will be designated for students going downstairs.
  • At the beginning of the day, all students will enter the main high school building through the Main Entrance (Cottage Hill) for temperature screening.
  • All faculty and staff will enter through the back entrance for temperature screening.
  • As students, faculty, and staff move between buildings throughout the day, the Main Entrance (Cottage Hill) will be used as an entrance only and the back doorway will be used as an exit only.
  • The Costello Hall Entrance will be closed.
  • At the conclusion of the day, students must exit the main entrance (Cottage Hill).
  • Floor markings will be delineated in the cafeteria and at the main entrance to provide social distancing guidance.
  • Elevator use will be limited to one user and one assistant, if necessary, at a time.
  • Lockers will be assigned via alternating alphabetical order. Students will be asked to limit the use of their lockers before school, prior to lunch, and after school.


Due to social distancing concerns, teachers will monitor students’ use during classes and use their best judgment to limit bathroom usage to one student at a time. Restrooms will be sanitized, and high touch surfaces will be disinfected periodically throughout the day. Students are allowed to bring a water bottle to school as water fountains will be turned off.

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