Return to School Resource
Educational Program
In-person Learning
IC Catholic Prep, first and foremost, will provide a safe learning environment so that our students can continue with the same rigorous and personalized education we have always offered.
Whenever possible, using every inch of space in the school to ensure at least six feet of physical distancing
Small class sizes enable consistent contact tracing and mitigating spread of infection
Live Synchronous Classrooms (Remote Learning)
For students learning remotely, either in a hybrid model or exclusively through e-Learning, a number of improvements have been implemented since the 4th quarter of 2020:
Acquisition of conference cameras for all classrooms to allow for live synchronous, interactive instruction and student participation.
Establishing protocol for each student to benefit from a personal device at home and in the classroom.
Video conferencing will utilized in all classrooms to accommodate students who are learning remotely.
Students at home will be required to attend all classes during the school day in order to experience a rich learning environment focused on interaction with fellow students and their teachers.
The faculty has spent the summer preparing for all scenarios of a return to campus through robust professional development.
Establishing best practices for integrating technology into both school and remote classrooms.
Improvements to the school’s wireless network infrastructures to increase stability in school and at home.