Daily Prayer, April 21

St Anselm - archbishop and doctor of the ChurchSt. Anselm gave us the definition of theology as “Faith seeking understanding.”  Anselm was a philosopher and thinker whose work guides many Christian thinkers. Today we ask St. Anselm’s intercession as we continue our own thinking - even as our thinking mostly...

Alumni Spotlight: Susan Conran Fronczak, 1972

Each month we will feature a member of our alumni (the League of Knights) to highlight their accomplishments after graduating from IC Catholic Prep. This month, we spoke to alumni that are on the front lines providing everyday essential services.  Susan Conran Fronczak, class of 1972, is feautred in this...

Daily Prayer, April 20

Today's spiritual message is courtesy of Deacon Michael Groth of Immaculate Concpetion Parish. https://youtu.be/TWfZqpicL4U Online Mass at Immaculate Conception Parish https://youtu.be/mgeKQhx52nAhttps://youtu.be/CUDSOb5ATEIhttps://youtu.be/S-Hb5b0N_3whttps://youtu.be/njduGlBccVY

Principal Dispatch—April 18, 2020

Dear ICCP Families and Friends, Yesterday, Governor Pritzker announced that in-person instruction would be suspended for the rest of the school year in Illinois to slow the spread of COVID-19 further. We understand this is difficult news to hear, but we support the governor's decision to protect the health and wellness...

Alumni Spotlight: Gretchen Vitek, 2015

Each month we will feature a member of our alumni (the League of Knights) to highlight their accomplishments after graduating from IC Catholic Prep. This month, we spoke to alumni that are on the front lines taking on COVID-19. This spotlight features, Gretchen Vitek class of 2015. Gretchen majored in nursing...

Daily Prayer, April 16

REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to you do I come; before you I...